当我往前走之时偶尔会瞥到一缕美丽之景(别名:dangwowangqianzouzhishiouerhuipiedaoyilvmeilizhijing )由乔纳斯·梅卡斯主持执导,是一部扣人心弦的记录片。 My film diaries 1970-1979: my marriage, children are born, you see them growing up. Footage of daily life, fragments of happiness and beauty, trips to France, Italy, Spain, Austria. Seasons of the year as they pass through New York. Friends, home life, nature, unending search for moments of beauty and celebration of life friendships, feelings, brief moments of happiness. The film is also my love poem to New York. It’s the ultimate Dogme movie, before the birth of Dogme. —Jonas Mekas当我往前走之时偶尔会瞥到一缕美丽之景更多精彩圣物秘闻录美丽中国爱因斯坦的内心世界英国新闻之花枪杀案米奇的故事地球2007MH370:消失的航班空中浩劫 第十三季傲椒的湘菜第三季贝尔蒂·格雷戈里:与动物零距离